Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Listen to your mother (and your body)! Eat your fruits & veggies!

I wish that I didn't, but I like the junk food. I don't eat Big Macs every day or anything like that, but I eat what I can grab and go. I try to eat right, but I slip up now and then. And recently, I noticed something.

When you have MS, your body lets you know when it is upset. And it doesn't whisper to you, it usually yells at you!!! I have gotten to where I don't eat the greasy burgers, pizza and cupcakes very often (even though they are oh so good...). But the other day I had about a 3-day spread where I WAS eating stuff like that. We travel a lot and that's what we were doing. Traveling and hurrying. I hadn't cooked in a while, so we were living on fast food. After about day two, I was not feeling good. When day three came around, I just wanted to go to bed. Nothing else had changed. I had been getting my rest, which usually is what affects me. There wasn't any unusual stress. The weather was nice. After thinking about my diet the past few days, I put two and two together. I MUST EAT BETTER!

So I made an effort to clean up what I had just done to my body. I loaded up on the fruits and vegetables. I had a mid-morning yogurt party for the next few days. I ate grilled meats. I ate salads. An apple was my afternoon snack. I cut the sodas and only drank water. And low and behold, I started feeling about 99% better! I wasn't as fatigued. I was in a better mood. I was simply better.

The Bible tells us our body is a temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Take care of it. If not for yourself, for the Lord. When you feel good, you can better do his work. Go have an apple!!!!


  1. whatever, i'm taking fruit plus! ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My dear husband cannot seem to get the name of this product right, so I wanted to clear it up. It is actually Juice Plus. Close, James. :) Yall check it out!
